FilterGuard Filter Cleaning Sheets SC910

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Product Details

The unique Darlly FilterGuard filter cleaner sheets have been developed specifically to deep clean the dirtiest hot tub filters.

- The most cost effective cleaner in the market

- Uses active plant-based enzymes to deep clean any filter

- Easy to use with no mess or wastage

- Environmentally friendlier than using fluid alone

Each pack contains 20 sheets. Use 2 sheets per treatment.

See instructions below.

How many sheets should I use?

This depends on the size of filter, level of contamination and the cleaning bucket capacity. When using the FilterGuard cleaning bucket, we would suggest initially using two sheets. For heavier contamination or larger filters, add an additional sheet or two for effect. The FilterGuard Cyclone brush when used with a little cleaning fluid should have removed much of the heavy soiling already.


Add the sheets to the warm water, one per 5 litres of water, add filters to water. Stir to dissolve cleaning sheets. Leave to soak for 24 hours, agitate the water and turn the filter occasionally to clean evenly and dislodge loosened dirt. After 24 hours empty the bucket and rinse out the remaining dirt/debris using the Cyclone Filter Cleaner without any Filter cleaner in the reservoir. Leave the filter to dry completely.

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FilterGuard Filter Cleaning Sheets SC910
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